Pesticides and Biopesticides
Pesticides, or Plant Protection Products (PPP) are the natural or synthetic agents compounds with the aim to prevent, regulate, destroy, repel or attract any biological organism considered to be a pest. Pesticide safety issues are of commercial interest and need to be continuously evaluated. The identification of natural sources of pesticides with lesser safety issues is now promoted, but it is important to be aware that biopesticides are still pesticides and fall under the same regulations as their synthetic counterparts. Pesticides differ from one another based on their chemicals or physicals properties and are used in different fields like agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, food industry etc. Read more...
The laboratories of InterBioTox offer the clients the comprehensive evaluation of the PPPs with many services.
InterBioTox provides a comprehensive GLP analytical services for your PPP products.
Due to our wide range of analytical equipment, we can examine formulations in various matrices and support you with ILV studies (Independent Laboratory Validation) according to SANCO/ 3029/99 and SANCO/ 3030/99 as well as with the performance of residue studies. We also assist you in the registration of biopesticides (from plants, fungi or bacteria) to conduct the necessary studies and the corresponding analytical measurements. We provide the 5-Batch Analyses (Active Ingredient and Impurities) and the shelf Life stability studies in the 3 different zones (Accelerated, Low Temperature and Long Term Storage) specified in Annex I to Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 (North, Central, South) according to the principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). Choose the study...
Before a pesticide is approved, the risk to non-target organisms has to be assessed. The information provided must be sufficient to allow an assessment of the impact on non-target organisms at different trophic levels likely to be at risk from exposure to the active substance and appropriate metabolites. Ecotoxicological risk assessment of pesticides in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in particular has become one of the most important areas in scientific pesticide evaluation for consideration of biodiversity preservation. InterBioTox through its portfolio of various GLP ecotoxicity studies assists you in the process of your ecotoxicology product´s assessment. Choose the study...
InterBioTox provides a full portfolio of biodegradation studies (ready and inherent) for the PPPs /active substances under GLP in compliance with national and international guidelines so that the results are used as indications of potential biodegradation or environmental persistence (fresh and sea water). Choose the study...
The physicochemical properties play very important role in order PPPs could absorbed by pests, be transported to the target site, and then interact with proteins. These properties are also essential for the prediction of environmental behaviour of PPPs, and include mainly water solubility, which is useful in predicting pesticide mobility in soil and deposition into sediments in an aquatic environment. Vapour pressure is a key indicator of the potential of a compound to volatilize. The octanol/water partitioning coefficient (Kow/logKow) indicates the likelihood of a pesticide transfer from soil or water to organisms, as well as the pesticide's potential to bioaccumulate. InterBioTox offers many more in a comprehensive package of methods suitable for evaluating the physical and chemical properties of pesticides and active substances according to internationally accepted methods CIPAC, EU and OECD. Choose the study...
Environmental fate studies provide an indication of what happens to a pesticide once it enters the environment, as well as likely exposure levels for non-target organisms. Evaluation of the data makes it possible to determine the behaviour of a pesticide in soil, water and air, the potential for its uptake by plants or animals, and the potential for bioaccumulation in organisms.
InterBioTox supports the clients with selected environmental fate tests for their pesticide products under GLP in compliance with national and international guidelines. Choose the study...
Implementing alternative approaches to traditional in vivo acute toxicity studies, InterBioTox offers a spectrum of in vitro acute toxicology studies on pesticide products and active substances to meet the regulatory requirements for acute toxicity testing of PPPs. Choose the study...
In vivo toxicity studies are required to assess potential hazards to humans through the acute, subchronic, and chronic exposure of laboratory animals to pesticides. The more specific types of toxicity that are determined include carcinogenicity, developmental (including teratogenicity in offspring) and reproductive toxicity, mutagenicity and neurotoxicity. Detailed information on the metabolism or biotransformation of the pesticide is also provided by the labs of InterBioTox. Choose the study...
Histopathology, as a requisite part of the mammalian toxicology studies is performed by the laboratory of InterBioTox to support an evaluation of PPPs and active substances with respect to impacts to human health. Choose the study...
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